
I like pretty forms and clean HTML � That's why I created nice-forms.css to help devs who want to hit the ground running, but don't want to stare at default input fields when doing so 💩

In a nutshell:
  • It provides a sensible input styling 'reset'
  • Get nice looking forms with zero effort
  • Easily customizable with css-variables
  • Perfect for rapid prototyping or tweak it and make it your own.
  • No hacks or unnecessary elements, pure semantics


Import nice-forms.css from unpkg

Install via NPM
npm install nice-forms.css


All you need to do is add the class .nice-form-group to get a nice base style for all your input fields. Add a small element for additional information, this can be below the label or below the field.

With additional information below the label
Or additional text below
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Input types

All available input types are included

Checkbox and Radio

These are your basic input[type="radio"] and input[type="checkbox"] elements. They have a label and can contain secondary information by adding a small element inside the label.

Switch If you want a checkbox to look like a switch, just add a .switch class to the checkbox input element

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The fieldset is used to group multiple related input fields. All nested .nice-form-group elements within will automaticly have a smaller margin.

Select your favorite framework
Select your favorite languages
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For some input types it could make sense to show a icon. These icons are hidden by default but can be added by adding either .icon-left or .icon-right to the input element. The icons used are from feathericons.

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Field Validation

Fields that have a required attribute can be valid or invalid based on their value. When a user focuses on a invalid field the styling is set back to default.

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Date input

Date fields show icons by default. The month, week and date fields have a fixed min width set at 14em. time is set at 7em.

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Other input types

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Reset only

There is also a reset only version available, this version provides styled form fields out of the box without any wrapping class. This does however mean that .icon-left, .icon-right or .switch are not included.

Grab the raw CSS here, or import the reset from unpkg via

Check out the example page


The styling is highly customizable using css variables.


If you encounter a bug on any device or have suggestions for improvement, don't hesitate to open a bug report or pull request.

Check out the repo